Scrum Master - 4367


Exciting opportunity for a Scrum Master to join the team under a Federal Gov't Department in Canberra ACT. Succesful candidate duties are:

  • Scrum master for one Product Family using a pull approach to deliver improvements and new features to existing products.
  • TFS administrator for the Portfolio including showing individual teams how to use TFS in a consistent manner and setting up dashboards for the relevant governance boards.
  • Coach for a Scrum Community of Practice which will be responsible for ensuring a consistent approach to implementing the new governance guidelines.
  • On a rotating basis attend the other scrum team Sprint Events and help facilitate these events with the SM for the team
  • Work closely with the Agile Coach in helping identify and resolving any issues which are affecting the teams in implementing the agile guidelines and scrum practices.

For you to qualify

  • Australian citizen with the ability to obtain negative vetting Level 1 clearance.
  • Amenable to work full time and on site in Canberra ACT.
  • Can start employment ASAP.
  • Amenable for a 6 months contract engagement with potential 12 month extension.

Your main skills & experience

  • With at least 1 year full time experience as a Scrum Master. 2 or more years is preferred.
  • Admin user of TFS/Visual Studio/Azure Boards software who has configured dashboards, shared queries, setup Epics, Features and teams.
  • In helping new scrum teams implement scrum.

Desirable skills & experience

  • In a smaller agency or experience working in both a large and medium/small government agency.
  • Understanding of lean principles and practices that help identify and manage issues that prevent scrum teams from delivering work on time

Canberra, ACT

AgileAustralian citizenAzure BoardsCoachfederal governmentgovernmentnegative vetting 1 clearancescrumScrum Community of Practicescrum masterscrum practicesset up Epicsset up FeaturesTeam Foundation ServerTFSVisual Studio